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Learn how to use SimpliRoute

Basic steps to create a simple routing

Carlos Zambrano avatar
Written by Carlos Zambrano
Updated over a week ago

On your left you will find buttons that will take you to the different platform modules (Routes, Tracking and Reports). When you enter, you will always automatically enter to Routes.

At the top on your right you will find tools to guide you: a Welcome Tour, a Video and a Support Chat.

By clicking on your name you can access the Settings menu, where you can change your account settings or your Profile, you can add a payment method and change your password.

In order to create a route, we need to have at least one vehicle and one driver user, in addition to other small settings.

Step 1: Choose date, time and vehicles

You have already created your vehicle and your driver. Now, let's create a route. Click on Routes and you will return to the initial view.

With the calendar you select the date on which the route will take place and under the calendar you must indicate the schedule the vehicles will make the deliveries.

Below you will find a list with all your vehicles, where you can choose the ones you will need for this route.

To upload route addresses, click Next:

Step 2: Visits upload

To add your visits, the ideal is to download and fill the example form for massive visits upload.

It is very important to respect the column order and the cell format. The most important fields are:

  • Title: Name of the delivery (company, person, etc.)

  • Address: Delivery address. Ideally use a format that is easily recognized by Google Maps.

  • Load: You must enter how much load is going to be delivered for each visit.

  • Start time/end time: In case a visit has a time restriction to make a delivery, here you can enter the start and end time of that restriction, for example, if they receive dispatches from 9 to 12 during the day.

  • Service time: It is the time that the vehicle will be delayed on each delivery. This time is expressed in minutes (for example, an hour and a half is entered as “90”).

  • Notes: Field intended to add relevant information for the delivery. For example, “Beware of the dog”.

  • Latitude/longitude: In case you have the georeference of your deliveries, you can add this information here.

  • Reference ID: Field intended to add the order identifier of (invoice number, Purchase Order, order number, etc.).

Once all your deliveries have been entered in the worksheet, you can return to the platform and click on “import visits”. A box will open, where you should find the file you just created.

You can also add the visits manually in the “add visits” button. The manual option will open a form where you can fill out all the fields described above.

Alerts and Errors

When uploading a file with several addresses, the platform will try to locate them correctly on the map. In case it does not find an address, it can show Alerts or Errors.

Alerts appear under yellow or orange color and errors appear in red. In both cases, by clicking on the visit, the platform will tell you what the alert or error is. Place the mouse on the visit in the list on the left side and three options will appear:

  • A pencil, which will allow you to edit the visit in order to eliminate the alert/error.

  • An ”X”, which will ignore the alert/error without deleting the visit.

  • A recycle bin, which eliminates the visit from the platform.

Optimization options

Now you can make your routes, but before pressing the “create routes” button, if you click on the arrow next to it you will find optimization options. In this case you will see three:

  • Balance, which tries to match the number of visits that each vehicle will deliver.

  • Minimize vehicles, which will try to use as few vehicles as possible to deliver today's visits.

  • Open Routes, which will create a route that will not consider the return of the vehicles to the warehouse. You can select the ones you want!

Optimization results

You are now seeing the routes that the system created based on the visit information and the optimization criteria that you selected. On the map you will see a summary of these routes information.

On the left you will find the details per vehicle. Under the name of each vehicle you will find the summary of the route (duration, how many visits taken, percentage of load used) and clicking on this bar you will open the details of that particular route.

You will notice that on the map, now you only see the route you have opened.

Next to the vehicle name is an icon that looks like a person. By clicking, you can select the driver who will make that route.

Sometimes, not all points may be assigned to a vehicle. If this is the case, you will see these points in the list called Unassigned visits. To know why they are left outyou can read this article.

Sometimes you might want to modify the routes that the system gave you. Here you can read more about editing routes

Download files

In the Export button a list of files is displayed which you can download. They all contain the route information that you have just created.

Finish and Confirm

To do this, we must click on Finish, which will open a screen where you can:

  • Change the plan name (plan = set of routes).

  • Confirm that drivers are correctly assigned.

  • Send the routes to the drivers by clicking the Confirm button.

You will see a confirmed message that the routes were successfully sent to the drivers.

Mobile App Overview

First you need to download the app from the App Store or Google Play Store looking for “SimpliRoute”. Once installed on the drivers' phones, they must enter with their respective username and password.

Once logged in, the driver will see the route assigned for today and once the route has been started (by clicking on Start Route) he will be able to interact with the visits. It is very simple to use!

For a complete guide for using the app, visit our article "How to use the mobile app".

Tracking Overview

This is the Tracking interface, where you can review the routes assigned for today.

In the Vehicles view, you can see a detailed list of the visits assigned to each driver and the progress of each route.

A vehicle is "active" when the driver has already started the route. Otherwise, it will show “inactive”.

When a vehicle is active, you will be able to see its GPS location on the map and the route taken during the day.

In the Visits view, you can see all the assigned visits for today and the last position of each vehicle. Green visits are the ones your drivers have marked as “delivered”, red visits are the ones that drivers have marked as “undelivered” and gray visits have not yet been reported by drivers.

By clicking on each visit, either in the list or on the map, you will be able to see the detailed information of that visit.

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