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Notification Settings
Carlos Zambrano avatar
Escrito por Carlos Zambrano
Actualizado hace más de una semana

This article explains how to activate and customize email and SMS notifications for your clients.

Once Live Tracking is activated in your account, a new Communication tab will appear in your Settings menu.

In this tab, you can edit both text messages and emails. You'll see a list of four events in which your clients may receive the notifications:

  • Scheduled order: your clients will automatically receive this notification at the moment that your dispatch the routes to your drivers. 

  • Order in route: these notifications will be sent as soons as your drivers tap "Start route" on the mobile app.

  • Successful order: your clients will automatically received these notifications as soon as your drivers tap "Delivered" on their mobile app. 

  • Failed order: your clients will automatically received these notifications as soon as your drivers tap "Undelivered" on their mobile app. 

Click on the edit pencil icon to customize your messages. 

You'll see two tabs: SMS and Email.

Click on "Delete Email/SMS" to turn off the notification. Remember to click on the Save button!
Green icons mean notifications are on.

Tracking IDs can be found in the Visits Report spreadsheet that you can download from the Routing options menu: 

To make sure that your clients receive your notifications, you should include their contact information (email or/and mobile phone) in the spreadsheet that you upload when creating routes. Clients with this information missing will not receive any messages.

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