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Delivery search status widget
Delivery search status widget

Make easier for you clients to check their deliveries' status

Carlos Zambrano avatar
Escrito por Carlos Zambrano
Actualizado hace más de una semana

Now your clients can search for their deliveries' status directly from your website! Our delivery search status widget can be added to any page of your site. 

To add the widget to your website:

1. Click the Settings icon in the in the upper right corner of your screen

2. Click the Communication tab and click the Generate insertion code button.

3. You'll see a popup window with the HTML code. Under the code box, click Copy code. 

4. Go to the page where you want to add the widget, and then paste this code. The widget will look like this:

Your customers will need a tracking code to search the status of their deliveries. You have two ways to get this tracking code:

1. Downloading the visits report and then using the default code that you'll find in column A.

2.  Creating your own codes in the reference ID field of each visit that you import. You can turn it on this option in the Communication tab (Use visit ID as tracking code). This option will be available next week.

Then send your customers the code you chose. For example, in the following case, reference ID 12345ABCDE must be used by your client to check their deliveries status in the search widget. 

Remember, you can send the codes automatically! Read this article to learn more.

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