Priority levels are defined in the information fields of each visit.
In step 2 "Visits" click on the pencil icon to edit any visit.
Select a priority level from the Priority drop-down list.
These priority levels can be also added to your Excel file in the column "Priority"
In the Excel file, Priorities must be typed as numbers from 1 to 5:
1 - First of the day: This visit will go the first of your route. If you define more than one visit as "first", each will go first on a different route.
2 - Last of its route: This visit will go the last of your route. If you define more than one visit as "last", each will go last on a different route.
The following levels can be used in cases where you have more visits than you can attend that day. If you want to make sure that the most important visits are not unassigned, we recommend using level 3 (High Priority):
3 - High Priority
4 - Medium Priority
5 - Low Priority